La Liga distribute TV money for 2023 — Real Madrid gets more than Barca

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La Liga distribute TV money for 2023 — Real Madrid gets more than Barca

La Liga have published details of TV revenue for the 2023 financial year and how the money was distributed among the participating clubs.

As is usually the case, Real Madrid and Barcelona have received the lion's share of the revenue once again. But it's Real Madrid who have received slightly more than Barca.

A total of €1.5bn have been distributed among the clubs based on various criteria like viewership and appeal. Real Madrid received a staggering €161.24m of that money which is more than 10% of the total revenue.

Barcelona are not too far behind as they got €160.53m. Last year, Barcelona received slightly less at €160.13m.

Here's the breakdown of how much La Liga clubs took home this year from the image below:


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