Rashford Spotted With Love Island’s Natalia Zoppa Weeks After Breaking Up With Fiancee

Okeke George Chijioke
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2 minute read


Rashford Spotted With Love Island’s Natalia Zoppa Weeks After Breaking Up With Fiancee

Marcus Rashford has been spotted in Los Angeles with Love Island's Natalia Zoppa after calling it quits with his girlfriend.

The Manchester United player, 25, reportedly split with childhood sweetheart, Lucia Loi, after nine years together.

He's now been seen at celebrity eatery Nobu with Natalia - who boasts a popular OnlyFans page - and personal trainer Courtney Caldwell, known as 'Ms Booty'.

The trio left the swanky restaurant in California before Marcus is said to have hopped in a car without the women at 1am.

The footballer cut a casual figure wearing a white shirt and jeans while Natalia was dressed to impress sporting a white mini skirt, green floral top and towering high heels.

Courtney also had her glam on wearing a slinky black cut-out dress and stilletos.

It is understood Marcus first met Natalia a month ago when they were seen "getting friendly" at rapper Post Malone's concert in Manchester.

The sighting came after the Premier League star is understood to have split with Lucia, who he met when he was 15 and got engaged to last year.

According to The Sun, the pair split amid the pressure of lockdown, but are said to be on good terms and share a "mutual love and respect".

A source said: "The relationship ran its course and they remain very close friends."

Lucia has reportedly moved out of his house in Manchester following the break-up.

Her ex Marcus is one of the Premier League's brightest stars having shone this season with Manchester United and England.

Now on his summer break, he flew over to L.A where he met Natalia, who made quite the impact when she rocked up in Love Island's Casa Amor in 2020.

Rashford Spotted With Love Island’s Natalia Zoppa Weeks After Breaking Up With Fiancee
Natalia rocked up in Casa Amor in 2020 ( Image: ITV)

She previously worked as an events manager in Manchester before joining the show where she was slammed over her "rude" attitude towards Luke Mabbott.

Fans claimed Natalia "faked" her feelings to get into the villa after she admitted she had her eye on Callum Jones and Finn Tapp while insisting she did fancy the property expert.

The influencer ended up ditching Luke for Jamie Clayton, before they were both dumped from the villa in the final week.

Natalia is now living in Los Angeles where she works as an influencer and OnlyFans model.

Her pal personal trainer Courteney also has a huge following online as founder of the Big Booty University.

Helping fans achieve a derriere Kim Kardashian would be proud of, as source said: "Courtney is not only beautiful, she's business minded and incredibly smart."

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