Claudio Ranieri could stop fans from getting striptease from adult star who gets bum out

 Coyote Cutee - who loves to get her bum at Serie B games - has promised fans of Bari a striptease should they make it to Serie A, but Claudio Ranieri stands in her way

Claudio Ranieri could stop fans from getting striptease from adult star who gets bum out

There might not be any "dilly ding dilly dong" in Bari should Claudio Ranieri break the hearts of the Galletti in the Serie B play-off final.

Ranieri's Cagliari will square off with Bari in a straight shoot-out for a spot in the Serie A next season. However, Bari have more than just Serie A bragging rights on the line - they could also receive a striptease from Coyote Cutee.

Speaking to Daily Star Sport earlier this season, Coyote joked that she has “plans to do a striptease if Bari goes to Serie A". And since then, she has watched her side battle their way all the way to the play-off final.

Coyote shot to fame earlier this year, thanks to her habit of getting her bum at Bari's home games - incorporating her 18+ content into her love for the side from the Stadio San Nicola.

The 22-year-old had been told to stop by some fans, but she was quick to quip back - saying it was her choice.

She added: "As a woman, I feel free to show my body when I want and how I want. It's my choice. I create content for OnlyFans and then sell it. I do everything myself. I don't consider myself a porn star."

Claudio Ranieri could stop fans from getting striptease from adult star who gets bum out

Bari overcame a 1-0 deficit to FC Sudtirol to book their place in the play-off final.

The Galletti are looking for a Serie A return for the first time since being relegated in 2011 - and they even fell as far Serie D, as their financial troubles mounted. However, Coyote has followed their fortunes through the lower divisions of Italian football.

And, of course, she's got her bum out on the way, including during the play-off semi-final.

Meanwhile, Ranieri took over the reigns of Cagliari on New Year's Day, having previously guided them to Serie A in the 1990s.

It was the Tinkerman's first job since he was sacked by Watford.

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