Erling Haaland's amazing sleep schedule helped him score five goals against RB Leipzig

Okeke George Chijioke
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2 minute read


Erling Haaland's amazing sleep schedule helped him score five goals against RB Leipzig

Erling Haaland made sure everyone was wide awake on Tuesday night, as he banged in five goals in a Champions League game, and it's all thanks to his amazing sleep schedule.

For just the second time in history a player scored five times in a Champions League knockout game, as Manchester City smashed past RB Leipzig, thanks to their simply ridiculous striker.

His performance unsurprisingly landed him on the short list of players who have earned a 10/10 from L'Equipe, which also includes the time Lionel Messi scored five times in a knockout game in Europe's top club competition.

Perhaps the most ridiculous part of the rout was the face Pep Guardiola took the Norwegian off after just 63 minutes, in order to make sure the 22-year-old still had something to achieve.

It's not as if the performance would have even tired him out too much either, considering he took just 30 touches to score his five goals, from eight shots.

He'll still have slept well knowing just what he'd achieved, and it seems sleeping well isn't something that ever worries the former Borussia Dortmund star.

According to the Daily Mail, the forward is 'obsessed' with sleep and sets himself up with an immaculate plan to make sure he gets the perfect sleep.

The striker wears orange-tinted, blue-light glasses for a couple of hours before he goes to bed, with the specs known to block out high intensity digital lights.

To avoid distractions, Haaland switches his phone to do not disturb for some time before he drifts off and electronic devices are switched off, which is generally the advice we've all been given but most of us ignore.

The City star also monitors the quality of sleep he gets every night, be wearing an Oura Ring, which measures sleep quality, temperature and heart rate.

Erling Haaland's amazing sleep schedule helped him score five goals against RB Leipzig

As well as all the very specific, and scientific, parts of his sleep prep, the former Molde player also makes sure he goes to sleep between 10 and 10.30 pm most nights.

He will of course not have been tucked in at that time last night, having played in his most recent Champions League game, or when he plays other midweek games.

Last night was the latest example of why he loves the competition's famous anthem, as it clearly gets him up for playing, having scored 33 times in just 25 game.

But it's not just the matches that the anthem gets him up for, it literally gets him up every morning, as the former Molde man has it for his phone alarm!


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