Pic of Arteta with a lightbulb goes viral amid power cut at Leeds – where it's from explained

Pic of Arteta with a lightbulb goes viral amid power cut at Leeds – where it's from explained

A picture of Mikel Arteta using a lightbulb to motivate his players before a Premier League clash today went viral after a power cut at Leeds United. Arsenal defeated their hosts 1-0 but the victory was overshadowed by a pre-match incident which forced a delay.

Unrelated to the game at Elland Road, Arteta's viral photo is contained in an Amazon Prime’s All or Nothing Documentary. In one of those episodes, the Spaniard bizarrely used lightbulb for illustration against Brighton in April 2022

Arteta got his players in a circle in a dressing room. He then picked up a lightbulb, switched it on, and urged his players to create energy and electricity.

Arteta starts: "(Thomas) Edison invented the light bulb. Today I want to see a team that is connected because a bulb by itself is nothing. I want to see a team that is connected with each other and that shines.

"And you want to transmit to him (your team-mate) light and energy and passion and how you play football, and you two the same. And each of us plays the game connected, because what happens when we play connected, guys?

"What is the next thing that happens? That we connect with 60,000 people (the fans) who create more energy.

"Because at the end is electricity, that through heat creates light and life. Because if not it would be f****** dark if this guy doesn't have the idea to do that.

'"And I want you to play like this today, because as good as we are it depends on one thing.

"What makes us special is our attitude, and today I want you to play with that attitude. Go out there, f****** turn the light on, and play football. Let's go!"
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