When asked if he’s ever returned to Arsenal after leaving his role as their manager in 2018, Arsene Wenger said: “No I haven’t been there. After 22 years I had maybe arrived at the end of the road and people wanted a change, which I can understand.
“I was always loyal to the club and turned many, many clubs down because I felt my life is definitely linked with the club.
“The club has chosen a different direction, which I can understand completely and sometimes you need to change completely to have a new start. Me and my presence there could have been a problem.
“I stayed away completely to give the club a chance to rebuild a new connection with a new manager. That’s why I never talked about Arsenal and never came back to Arsenal because I didn’t want to be a presence that was maybe not good for the club.”
Wenger has been working for FIFA since leaving the Gunners, as he’s currently working as the Chief of Global Football Development for the world footballing body.
The Gunners have moved to a different direction since parting ways with Wenger, with Mikel Arteta currently trying to create something special at the club.
Source: Metro
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