Abramovich helps rescue 5 British prisoners of war from Russian captivity

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Abramovich helps rescue 5 British prisoners of war from Russian captivity

Former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich played a key role in rescuing five British prisoners of war from Eastern Ukraine.

He welcomed them onto his jet and gave them all iPhones so they could contact their families before being flown to Saudi Arabia and eventually England.

Shaun Pinner and John Harding were both freed along with Aiden Aslin, Dylan Healy, and Andrew Hill.

When Pinner spotted him on the flight he approached him and said: “You really look like Roman Abramovich”, to which he responded: “That’s because I am, sir.”

John Harding said of Abramovich: “He was a really sound bloke, a really lovely guy. He’s a legend - we absolutely love him and I’m so grateful for his efforts.”

Source: The Telegraph

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