FIGC President Gravina Accuses Chelsea Of Stealing Italy's Best Young Players

Okeke George
By -
FIGC President Gravina Accuses Chelsea Of Stealing Italy's Best Young Players

Gravina says Italian clubs must show a willingness to give their young players a clearer first team path to prevent the likes of Chelsea ferrying away their best talent.

He told Il Corriere dello Sport: "We have penalising rules: the apprenticeship starts at 16, abroad at 14 years block the boys.

"We are in a position to lose talent, I wonder why a club should invest in young people by taking this risk. Abroad several clubs, and I'm talking about Chelsea in particular, are trying to take away talents and sell them on market, I understand that several great Italians are trying to defend themselves.

"We must work on talent, but it is equally true that we must work on other issues."

Source: Tribalfootball

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