FA Cup 2022 prize money breakdown

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FA Cup 2022 prize money breakdown

FA Cup 2022 Prize Money for winners and breakdown and distribution

2022 FA Cup prize money? FA Cup prize money for winners and by round? How much is the total FA Cup prize money for the winner? What is the total prize money for the FA Trophy?

English FA has confirmed the FA Cup prize money and the FA Cup 2022 winner will get around £3.6 million while the FA Cup runners-up will take home £1.8 million. Below is the FA Cup prize money for winners and FA Cup prize money by a breakdown from earlier rounds to all the way to the 2022 FA cup final.

Here is how the prize money in FA Cup is distributed starting from the qualifying preliminary rounds to all the way till the FA Cup final. The statistics below show the way most of Premier League clubs don’t bother turning up for the FA Cup.

FA Cup Prize money by round? Here are the English FA Cup prize money by round and for each round:

2022 FA Cup prize money by round for each round 2022
Extra preliminary round winners£1,125
Preliminary round winners£1,444
First-round qualifying winners£2,250
Second-round qualifying winners£3,375
Third round qualifying winners£5,625
Fourth round qualifying winners£9,375
First-round proper winners£22,629
Second round proper winners£34,000
Third round proper winners£82,000
Fourth round proper winners£90,000
Fifth-round proper winners£180,000
Quarter-Final winners£360,000
Semi-Final losers£900,000
Semi-Final winners£1,800,000
Final runners-up£1,800,000
Final winners£3,600,000

FA Cup Television Fees Breakdown

Clubs are awarded a certain fee for every time their match is broadcasted live in UK. here is how television fee is provided to clubs.

Television Fee For Every Live Match Broadcasted

FA Cup roundsLiveLive replay
1st round£67,500£33,750
2nd round£72,000£40,000
3rd round£144,000£72,000
4th round£144,000£72,000
5th round£247,500£123,750
6th roundRow:6 Cell:2Row:6 Cell:3
Row:7 Cell:1£247,500£123,750

How much is the total prize money for FA Cup winner? 

Manchester United won the FA Cup 2016 and they took home £1.8 million for winning the final against Palace but the real income for United in the FA Cup run was a lot more than that which included TV money (matches shown live on TV) plus 45% gate receipt for the final.

Manchester City won it in 2019 while Chelsea won it in 2018 and they both pocketed 1.8million pounds as well. 2021 FA Cup follows the same prize money fund distribution and we take a look at how much 2021 FA Cup winners can take home.
  • Winners: £3.6 million In prize money + tv revenue and gate receipts
  • Runner-ups: £1,800,000 in prize money + tv revenue and gate reciepts

What is the Premier League money vs FA Cup money?
The Premier League prize money is £150 million which is way more than the FA Cup prize pool which stands at £3,600,000.


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