Sergio Aguero's former teammate Samir Nasri claims Kun told him about his plans to retire.
"Kun just sent me a message and, unfortunately, it [retirement] is confirmed," Nasri said on Canal+, as quoted by Sport.
"For this reason I am very sad. After being the player that everyone knew, who was a phenomenon, he is a very good boy and a great person...
"I am very sorry because it is not a choice, it is a forced retirement. I know the love he feels for this sport and to see him stop like this makes me very sad.
"I send him a lot of courage and a long year because he is someone that I greatly appreciate."
Nasri and Aguero crossed paths at Mancehster City.
According to Gerard Romero, a press conference is planned for the next week during which Aguero will confirm his retirement.
However, Barcelona vice-president and Xavi both denied this report.
Source: Sport | Canal +
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