Best streaming applications you must have to enjoy live football matches

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Live football

If you are a super fan of football, you tend to find yourself usually looking for ways to enjoy live football matches because you do not want to miss any vivid moments of them.

In this case, you should prepare yourself for a streaming app to go with you everywhere at any time. With the wide variety of tools out there, you may get confused about choosing one to download. With just a few words in the search box like live soccer TV (Bachtuoc TV, LiveScore, FlashScore), link Sopcast football, … there are dozens of results for you to choose from.

However, in this article, we will recommend 5 best streaming applications to watch your team play and connect with them right during the tournaments. Now, let’s keep reading!

Live Football TV

Once downloading Live Football TV, you will see your phone become a multi-optional soccer fan platform. It is included with a wide range of official TV streams of soccer tournaments and competitions all over the world. It offers updated schedules and broadcast listings every single day. And you know what? Every latest news of the football world will be included in this platform, too. From match events and stats, analysis, news to live scores, all can be found on Live Football TV. 

Live Football TV – Apps on Google Play

Live Football TV is included with a wide range of official TV streams  of soccer tournaments and competitions all over the world/ Ph:

You can find all the essential functions for a live football match thanks to Live Football TV. No matter if it is a legendary, recent competition, you can directly see it broadcasted from your smart devices with the help of this app. In addition, you can receive notifications about every game of your favorite club by using the “personal calendar” option. You can even view the local life as well as replay the broadcast channels chosen by competition, team or day. 

Fubo TV

Fubo TV offers live streaming of all types of sports like soccer, basketball, tennis, badminton and so on. Regarding live football, you can watch over 65 live channels on the app. Its features are super decent, which makes it outstanding from other tools. 

Some of the most common channels on Fubo TV include CBS Sports Networks, NFL RedZone, beIN Sports networks, FS1, FOX, NFL Network, NBCSN, NBC, CBS, NBA TV and many more. New channels are added to the app frequently and in case you are interested in regional sports coverage, you can also follow it on Fubo TV.

Fubo TV can work well with not only iPad, iPhone but also Apple TV. Now, it is developed on the Android platform, too. And the stream’s quality is super good. Moreover, you can even watch a missed match in 3 later days because there is a 30-hour Cloud DVR space included in the app. 

Many users usually praise this app for its amazing features. Such authoritative sources like BGR and Forbes also compliment Fubo TV and recommend football fans to use it. 


StarTimes provides tons of channels about exclusive soccer matches from numerous leagues including FIFA, Ligue 1, Serie A, ICC, Bundesliga and Ghana Premier League. This app is multi-optional which means it does not limit you to do anything on it. Thanks to the huge number of available programs, you can easily choose something amazing to watch every day. Then, you will receive daily recommendations following your preferences: a live football match from your favorite club or the latest news from the soccer world, everything is available on hand. 

If you are the type of person who usually forgets things in life. Then, you can use the reminder option to remind you about your significant soccer match. By doing this, an automatic notification will be sent to your phone a few minutes before the match and therefore, you will know this is the right time to put off the other things and focus on the teams on the ground.  

1,300 staff in 34 states to get StarTimes training - Vanguard News

StarTimes provides tons of channels about exclusive soccer matches from numerous leagues including FIFA, Ligue 1, Serie A, ICC, Bundesliga and Ghana Premier League/ Ph:

Bach Tuoc TV: Stream Live Soccer Matches On Any Device is a website that supports all the sports channels worldwide from Germany, the UK, USA, Italy to Asia. It is said that the numbers of videos on the app are over 150. Thus, it is not hard for you to keep up with all the events, highlights, matches and tournaments of the football world. 

In addition to that, you can read the games’ results and predict future games. Bachtuoc TV has great setting notifications to ensure you will not miss any important matches. Finally, you can make a special list of your favorite players and teams and follow their information easily.


FotMob is an ideal app for you to see match stats and track scores. It allows you to follow any games without having to watch all of them. However, if you want to view live football contents, you have to make sure your device is well connected with the Internet. 

The app is integrated with up to 10 different languages so it can reach so many users from different countries. The popular matches on FotMob contain FA Women’s Super League, La Liga, Premier League, Champions League and Serie A. If you specially love any channels, you can save them to the list and find them easier on your next access. 

Tải về ứng dụng FotMob Pro - Điểm bóng đá trực tiếp cho thiết bị Android

FotMob is an ideal app for you to see match stats and track scores/ Ph: apk.supportSo, if you have not downloaded any streaming applications to watch live football matches, it’s the right time for you! To be honest, the 5 tools mentioned above are the greatest ones we have found on the market. If you want to gain a more memorable experience with your favorite football clubs, don’t hesitate to give these apps a try. Just pick up and download which you like and enjoy with your friends and family! With the current trend, most bookmakers offer a live streaming service to cater to the player’s betting process. If you are a football enthusiast, you regularly follow the ball matches and search for information on football news today. You can integrate both of these utilities in one go. This is also an option that many people use to replace the tools to watch live football today. You can try, but make sure you control your behavior against the temptations of gambling.

This post was first published on GoalBall.


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